Leading with Care (in a Tough World)

Featured Guests: Bob DeKoch and Phil Clampitt

Only 15% of workers in the U.S. feel engaged with their jobs. That’s just one job ill poor leadership spawns; bad leaders also cause turnover, absenteeism, and more. What is going wrong?  Some leaders have the right beliefs and sentiments. Others may possess the right skills. Yet world-class leaders need BOTH the right beliefs and practices to address the current employee and organizational challenges.  That ideal combination produces a leader who goes beyond servant leadership to truly caring leadership – and the results on employee engagement are profound.

In their new book, Leading With Care in a Tough World:  Beyond Servant Leadership, authors Bob DeKoch and Phil Clampitt detail the transformation to caring leadership – and the reasons it’s so deeply needed by so many organizations. They share those reasons in this episode.


Bob DeKoch & Phil Clampitt

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Innovative Leadership, Leading with Care, Workforce Development


Job Engagement, Caring Leadership, Turnover, Servant Leadership