Resilience Webinar @ Zoom
Apr 14 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Resilience Webinar @ Zoom

We invite you to participate to this 90min interactive webinar/online Lab. This call is for people who have taken the Metcalf + Associates resilience survey. In this call we will:

  1. Discuss the resilience framework,
  2. Explore approaches to improve resilience in each of the four categories, 
  3. You will discuss your improvement goals in small group conversations and
  4. Identify one action step to build your resilience

You MUST SIGN UP here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/e09835b13ecfb61dc5b9141539e44ee6  for log in information



Leading Your Company Becoming a Top Performing Executive! @ Panera Bread Conference Center
Apr 17 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Leadership 2050 Webinar: Association of Change Management Professionals Webinar @ http://www.acmpglobal.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1075022
Apr 26 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm


This presentation is a companion to a chapter published in the International Leadership Association Book, Leadership 2050: Critical Challenges, Key Contexts and Emerging Trends. I am the co-author of the chapter called: The Strategist Competency Model – The Future Of Leadership Development.

The Strategist leader is one with the evolved temperament and developmental maturity that gives rise to the type of strategic perspective, intellectual versatility, expanded worldview, and commitment to right action that will be required for future leaders to be successful. The Competency Model was built on this research to support the development and encouragement of Strategist level leaders in organizations


Ms. Metcalf – Founder, CEO, and Board Chair of Metcalf & Associates is a highly sought-after expert in anticipating and leveraging future business trends to transform organizations.She has captured her thirty years of experience and success in an award-winning series of books which are used by public, private and academic organizations to align company-wide strategy, systems and culture with innovative leadership techniques.  As a preeminent change agent, Ms. Metcalf has set strategic direction and then transformed her client organizations to deliver significant business results such as increased profitability, cycle time reduction, improved quality, and increased employee effectiveness.  For years, she has been willing to share her hard-won insights – through conference speaking opportunities, industry publications, radio talk-shows, and video presentations.

Metcalf & Associates has a 20+ year track record of delivering value to high-performing clients ranging from local Ohio small businesses to Fortune 15 organizations to the US Armed Forces.  Client industry mainstays include:  technology, engineering, manufacturing, financial, and medical services. Metcalf & Associates also has an international presence having been on-the-ground helping companies in the United Kingdom and Europe.

Areas of Transformational Expertise include:  Implementing change in strategic direction, Merger/Acquisition/Spin-off/Divestment, Large scale system installation, Business re-engineering, Governance, and Succession planning.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore emerging trends
  • Explore Strategist competency model and evaluate themselves against the model
  • Create an abbreviated personal development plan for themselves (and template for those who work with them)
ATD 2018 International Conference and Exposition: Leadership 2050: Competencies for High Impact Change Leaders @ San Diego Convention Center
May 6 @ 11:45 am – 1:00 pm
A strategist leader is one with the evolved temperament and developmental maturity that gives rise to the type of strategic perspective, intellectual versatility, expanded worldview, and commitment to the right action that will be required for future leaders to be successful. Join this session to learn about a new competency model created by the speakers to support the development and encouragement of strategist level leaders in organizations. We’ll discuss industry trends, approaches to development, and creating an individual development plan.

Application on the Job:
1. Learn about emerging trends.
2. Explore the strategist competency model and evaluate yourself against it.
3. Create an abbreviated personal development plan (and a template for those who work with you).

Type: New ATD Speaker

Tracks: Leadership Development

Learning Approaches: Experiential/Interactive Learning

Topics: Developing Leadership Skills and Competencies: Executive Development, Innovations in Leadership Development Models

Target Audiences: Executive/Decision Maker, University Faculty/Deans/Education Leaders

Session Services: Recorded

High Potential and Leadership Development Summit: Leveraging Technology to Improve Leadership Development – How We Teach And Develop Innovative Leaders @ Hyatt Regency Atlanta Downtown
May 15 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
CCODN: Talent Development In Columbus Ohio: How Do We Expand Our Future Impact? @ TBD
Jun 20 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Given the rate of change in our organizational ecosystem and the need for cross sector collaboration in the talent development process, we will host a conversation about how the Organizational Development community can expand its role and impact. As the basis for this conversation, we ask that participants listen to interviews with Alex Fischer, CEO of Columbus Partnership, Doug McCollough, CIO City of Dublin and read the Financial Times article about Columbus and the New World Order

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