Entries by Devon Mushalko

From Norway to Your Way: Bjørn Ekelund’s Tips for Leading Across Cultures

Can you be a leader without followers? Absolutely – at least, if you’re in Norway. That’s an oversimplification to introduce a complex fact: cultural differences mean effective leadership looks different across the world. Followership is just one example. Most of the globe takes it for granted that followership and leadership work in ineluctable tandem. That’s […]

How to Drive Collaboration & Unity on Your Team: Strategies from the Geneva Leadership Alliance

Memorize this line: “I am not alone anymore.” That is your mantra for this bright new year of 2025. As we learned in this week’s podcast, the leadership paradigm has changed. Effective leaders no longer lead solo; rather, the most effective leadership is now collective, focusing on shared practices within teams instead of fixating on […]

The Door Decision: How These Amazon Execs Assess Risk

Here’s a paradox: Your biggest risk is not taking one. Yet it rings vitally true for leaders, as we learned interviewing two senior execs from seemingly polar opposite divisions of Amazon. Ryan Redington is general manager of Amazon Music, and Kara Hurst heads Amazon’s sustainability unit. Both see risk-taking as the key to success. The […]

Using Your Leadership to Heal Divides: Techniques from a Coventry University Peace Researcher

“I can’t talk to people at work.” “I can’t even talk with my family!” We’ve heard those comments from clients and friends alike heading into elections and the holidays this year. Our divisions now draw harsh borders, with yesterday’s friendly debates replaced by belligerence. The most common advice we’ve seen boils down to “Just don’t […]