Entries by Susan Harper

3 Industries Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Over the Next Decade

Eric Redmond, a twenty-year veteran technologist and author, offers this article as a companion to his podcast Deep Tech: Demystifying the Breakthrough Technologies. The following article has been adapted from the Deep Tech book. Artificial intelligence as a field has existed in one form or another for centuries, but only in the past decade or […]

Recognizing & Managing Triggers in Challenging Situations

Maureen Metcalf published this article for Forbes Coaches Council. It is a companion to Janet Fouts’ podcast Recognizing & Managing Triggers in Challenging Situations. As leaders, we have the opportunity and responsibility to help our employees and organizations transcend personal differences and better align with our organization’s purpose. Leadership research out of Christopher Newport University suggests that […]

Are You A Future-Ready Leader?

Maureen Metcalf originally published this week’s article for the Forbes Coaches Council. Maureen is the founder and CEO of the Innovative Leadership Institute as a companion to Howard Tiersky’s podcast Winning Digital Customers: The Antidote to Irrelevance. Across the globe, leaders are grappling with the future of work across a broad spectrum of considerations — […]

The Science Behind Our Yes!

This week’s article is by Lou Zenteno and Jim Ritchie-Dunham as a companion to Jim’s podcast  The Science Behind Our Yes! The evidence is clear.  When we start with a Yes!, we are far more productive, creative, and engaged.  When we start with a No!, we are far less productive, creative, and engaged.  The evidence […]

Analytics To Identify Dream Teams With The CEO of the Predictive Index

This week’s article is an excerpt from The Science of Dream Teams: How Talent Optimization Can Drive Engagement, Productivity, and Happiness by Mike Zani, CEO of The Predictive Index, a talent optimization platform that uses over 60 years of proven science and software to help businesses design high-performing teams and cultures and a companion to […]