How Big Change Happens

Guest: Christoph Hinske

Christoph Hinske gave a keynote speech to the World Green Building Council in Venice focused on retrofitting all buildings in Europe. The gathering was part of the EU funded BUILD UPON project, the world’s largest collaborative effort on building renovation – bringing together over 1,000 organizations, across 13 countries, at over 80 events in 2016-17. As leaders focusing on implementing multiple concurrent changes – it is imperative that we understand what drives change and what inhibits it or just drains our energy. He discusses the following: 1. Tell us more about the World GBC project. 2. How does your work with agreements increase the probability of successful transformation? 3. What is an agreements map and the cost of scarcity calculation? 4. How does mapping and calculating the cost of agreements drive change? 5. What concrete steps can I take to evaluate my agreements?

Guest Information:

Christoph Hinske

Show Note:

Successful transformation, implementing change, Collaborative effort, Buildings in Europe, World Green Building Council

Building Resilient Organizations

Season 2 Episode 11

Guest: Paul Gibbons

Paul Gibbons talks about his new book (continuation of an earlier interview) focused on large scale change and the concepts of agility and anti-fragile. These are foundational concepts for leaders looking to build organizations that are able to respond quickly to predicted and unpredicted change. Being agile and ‘anti-fragile’ positions organizations to be resilient to the shocks they will face and enable them to be proactive – leveraging the shocks that adversely impact other organizations. Paul and Maureen will discuss: 1) What is anti-fragility? 2) What are some real-world examples of anti-fragility? 3) Why should this be of interest to business leaders? 4) Do we know of business organizations that are anti-fragile? 5) How might a leader use these principles? 6) How can a leader use these principles to position the organization to proactively respond to threats?

Guest Information:

Paul Gibbons

Show Note:

Large-scale change, Organizational response, Resilient organizations,

Creating Vibrant Organizations to Drive Performance: Ecosynomics

Guests: Jim Ritchie-Dunham, Christoph Hinske & James Drinkwater

Jim Ritchie-Dunham and team developed a quantitative framework based on extensive data collected across 93 countries to identify the factors that make an organization vibrant. Jim Ritchie-Dunham, Christoph Hinske and James Drinkwater discuss how this framework drives organizational abundance by improving an organization’s ability to innovate out of key problems and create strategic advantage. The agreements (often unconscious) serve as the differentiator between organizations that consistently transcend the constraints of our daily organizational lives and those who don’t. By creating conscious agreements that enable participants to identify creative solutions, they can determine how to implement innovation and execute for results. Organizations that can’t do these three tasks will be outpaced by those who can. We will discuss: 1. What is vibrancy and ecosynomics? 2. How has the framework been used in the World Green Building Council? 3. What early results are you seeing? 3. How can you learn more?

Guest Information:

Jim Ritchie Dunham, Christoph Hinske, James Drinkwater

Show Note:

Organization vibrancy, Creative solutions, Innovation implementation, Vibrancy and ecosynomics

Authentic Persuasion as a Key to Success

Guests: Brian Ahearn & Steve Hunkler

Authentic persuasion is a critical skill for leaders moving their organizations into the future. They need to see a vision and enroll the organization in moving toward that vision. We would like you to leave today with a clear understanding of why applying persuasion is so important for your professional success and personal happiness and a few ideas about how you might improve your skills. Discuss will include: 1. What exactly is persuasion? 2. How does persuasion differ from manipulation? 3. What are the “principles of persuasion” you teach? 4. Is there one principle that stands out as more effective than others? 5. Can you give me an example of how you used something you teach at work that lead to a big success? 6. Please provide an example of the business value your process has provided.

Guest Information:

Brian Ahearn, Steve Hunkler

Show Note:

Persuasion definition, Manipulation vs. persuasion, Principles of persuasion, Business value

CEO Perspective: Driving Growth

Guest: Gary Ross and Jodi Curran

Gary and Jodi talk about their experience driving successful company growth and exit across multiple software companies. Gary is very high energy and enthusiastic and shares his personal story. He answers the following questions: 1. Who are you in addition to being a CEO? 2. How did you grew Astute Solutions and orchestrated an exit? 3. What is a growth cube and how does it inform how you work as a CEO? 4. What do you believe are top qualities of successful senior executives 5. How do you prepare a company to be ready to attract investors? 6. What accomplishment are you most proud of personally? Professionally? 7. What fundamentals have you put in place in your organizations – to successfully transform your organizations to higher valuation and growth? 6. How do you create raving customers and associates? How does this drive business value? 7. What sets you apart from other leaders? What can our listeners learn from you that they could emulate?

Guest Information:

Gary Ross, Jodi Curran

Show Note:

Astute Solutions, Personal accomplishment, Professional accomplishment, Leadership qualities, Organizational fundamentals

Lead Inside the Box

Guest: Mike Figliuolo

Mike Figliuolo, Managing Director of thoughtLEADERS LLC will talk about his recent book: Lead Inside the Box: How Smart Leaders Guide Their Teams to Exceptional Results. Mike will discuss

• Why he decided to write this book

• What he hopes readers take away from it

• The questions the book answers that successful people need to know

• His Top 3 points he wants readers to take away that will encourage them to learn more

• What guidance he would give leaders based on his experience

• His legacy as a leader

• How his organization works

• How he thinks about training and development Mike shares his work in a very practical and easy to apply manner. He shares wisdom and experience that leaders at all levels can use immediately to become more effective.

Guest Information:

Mike Figliuolo

Show Note:

Leadership Guidance, Organization Structure, Training and Development, Leadership Effectiveness

What is the Organization of the Future?

Guests: Daryl Peterman & Mike Morrow-Fox

Abrasive Technology (AT) that has made the leap from traditional organization to an “agile”/nimble organization. This responsiveness pervades the people, the culture, and the processes like hiring and employee evaluation. Responsiveness is something that is “crafted”. Daryl and Mike Morrow-Fox will discuss characteristics of the organization of the future and discuss the evolution of Abrasive Technologies. They will answer the following: 1. What does the organization of the future look like? 2. What specific in AT that represent an organizational evolution? 3. Tell us about the transformation process This will be an interactive discussion exploring why AT selected many of the approaches they did and Daryl’s underlying beliefs that fueled the transformation.

Guest Information:

Daryl Peterman, Mike Morrow-Fox

Show Note:

Abrasive Technology (AT), Responsive organization, Employee evaluation, Evolution of Abrasive Technologies, Organizational evolution

Innovation – A Must to Deliver Great Outcomes in A Complex World

Season 1 Episode 9

Guest: Julie Anixter

Innovation is much more than a buzz word – it is a critical capability for organizations and leaders to succeed in our dynamic environment! Julie is an expert in all facets of innovation. She has worked as an executive and a consultant to deliver great success. During this interview Julie will share her views on what drives successful innovation. 1. Many people are intimidated by innovation. Can you debunk some of the fear that only “special” people can/should be involved in innovation? 2. Share a bit about the process of innovation 3. What are the biggest enablers and pitfalls to success? 4. How might a leader prepare before launching a big innovation project? What are the absolute must do’s? Julie’s engaging stories and deep experience make her interview a must listen for leaders interested in building their capacity!

Guest Information:

Julie Anixter

Show Note:

Innovation, Critical capability, Dynamic environment, Innovation project

Running an Agile Company – Holacracy and the Zappos Story

Guests: Brian Robertson & Alexis Gonzales-Black

Today Brian and Alexis will talk about their experience with creating and implementing Holacracy in some of the most progressive organizations like Zappos. During this show we talk about the organization of the future and how Holacracy fills a major role in building thriving organizations of the future. Holacracy is one of the best organizational frameworks I have seen to create agile/nimble operations. Topics will include: 1) What is Holacracy? 2) Why Holacracy? 3) Why now? 4) Who have you worked with? I have read about companies like Zappos – can you share more about who choses Holacracy? 5) What are the pre-conditions to consider this approach? 6) Can you tell us more about the Zappos implementation?

Guest Information:

Brian Robertson, Alexis Gonzales-Black

Show Note:

Holacracy, Thriving organizations, Future of organizations, Why choose Holacracy, Timing of Holacracy adoption

Leadership Maturity – A Key Differentiator

Guest: Beena Sharma

Beena will talk about Leadership Maturity, what it means, and why it is important for leaders and managers to understand the different stages of maturity. ‘Vertical Development’ or leadership maturity is becoming a hot topic. If you listened to our first show – Leadership 2050 – vertical development was a key theme underlying the concept of Strategist Leadership development. She talks about leadership development programs and gives practical guidelines for leaders looking to develop vertically. Listen to the conversation centered around these questions: 1.Many leaders have worked very effectively in the past so they aren’t really sure if vertical development is important for their long term success. Can you explain this framework a bit more? 2. What is the value in understanding and using the frameworks that underlie this work? 3. What can I do to develop vertically? Beena shares the framework and her stories to make this rich and valuable framework practical.

Guest Information:

Beena Sharma

Show Note:

Leadership Maturity, Vertical Development, Stages of Maturity, Leadership 2050, Strategist Leadership