Season 1 Episode 25
Guest: Paul Gibbons
Paul talks about his new book, The Science of Organizational Change, focused on large scale change and also to the concepts of agility and anti-fragile. These are foundational concepts for leaders looking to build organizations that are able to respond quickly to predicted and unpredicted change.
He will answer the following questions:
1. Why did you write The Science of Organizational Change?
2. What are the 3 biggest ideas from the book that readers should pay close attention to?
3. You talk about evidence-based management in the book – what do you mean by that?
4. Why is anti-fragility an important concept for understanding complex systems?
Paul Gibbons
Foundational concepts, The Science of Organizational Change, Large scale change, Complex systems
Season 1 Episode 7
Guest: Jim Vaive
Emotional Intelligence is a key differentiator in organizational life – it is a major accelerator for smart people who want to improve their impact and for organizations to improve their success. Jim discusses his experience at CEO of Varment Guard and how building that business connected him to Emotional Intelligence. He will discuss: 1. His personal story and insights on how emotional intelligence (EI) impacted his business success 2. What is Emotional Intelligence (EI) 3. As a leader what is the value you get from building EI? 4. How would you go about building EI? 5. How do you work with leaders?
Jim Vaive
Emotional Intelligence, Organizational improvement, Impact improvement, Building business, Business success, Working with leaders,