A Competitive Advantage: Building Communities With the Business

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Featured Guest:

Alice Yoo LeClair

Contrary to old-school management beliefs, having a work-best-friend boosts productivity.  Having an entire work community?  That boosts a lot of people’s productivity, morale, even longevity with the organization.  Best of all, the communities you foster at work don’t need to be work-related to have these effects:  gamers, Trekkies, and football fanatics in your workplace all benefit.

So how does an HR leader drive community building within their organization?  Does remote work make it more difficult? How does it fit with the CHRO’s other responsibilities?  And how do you focus on this when managers so often dump their personnel responsibilities on the HR department instead of taking their own leadership reins? Alice Yoo LeClair knows the world of Human Resources well, with experience in organizations of all sizes.  With her deep experience and eyes on the future, she shares her wisdom and observations with host Maureen Metcalf.

This is the first of several episodes which view innovative leadership from the perspective of the CHRO and other human resources leaders:  the Connex Executive Insights Series.

Here’s what Alice and Maureen cover:

  • What a community is, and why having work communities is so important for your team;
  • How workplace communities benefit the broader business; and
  • Why Gallup research shows that having good friends at work substantially boosts productivity.


Alice Yoo LeClair

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Connex Executive Insights, Innovative Leadership, Leading with Care, Women in Leadership


Community building, Remote work, Managerial responsibilities, Leadership, Personnel responsibilities, Workplace communities, Business benefits, Gallup research