Break the Cycle: The Role of Trauma-Informed Leaders

Season 10 Episode 20

Guest: Stephanie Lemek, Founder: The Wounded Workforce

Your staff are probably dealing with trauma: in the U.S. alone, 70% of adults faced at least one traumatic experience. Those experiences manifest in different ways in the workplace, from perfectionism to absenteeism. Our trauma reactions are as unique as our fingerprints.

Being a trauma-informed leader can help your team – and, ultimately, your organization. Guest Stephanie Lemek draws on her deep experience in HR to share how to shape a trauma-informed workplace.

Here’s what Stephanie and host Maureen Metcalf cover:

  1. The ways leaders can help team members deal with trauma…
  2. …and the ways they shouldn’t – such as playing the role of therapist.
  3. The seven principles of trauma-informed workplaces.

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Stephanie Lemek

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DE&I, Future of Leadership, Innovative Leadership, Leadership Development, Leading with Care, Team Effectiveness, Women in Leadership, Workforce Development


trauma-informed, Wounded Workforce, psychological safety, leadership development, mental health, employee wellness