Growing Up and Out: Development for Modern Leaders

Season 10 Episode 19

Guest: Mike Morrow-Fox, Organizational Development Consultant

Many leaders plateau: they hit a certain level, then stop growing or maturing as a leader. But even into late adulthood, we remain able to grow and develop. Indeed, some people thirst for that growth!

Mike Morrow-Fox joins host Maureen Metcalf to discuss post-conventional leaders – people who have grown to a point where they can easily see the big picture, the ripple effects of decisions, understand complexity, and more. Best of all, he shares seven tips to use on your own leadership journey.

Here’s what Mike and Maureen cover:

  1. The three major markers of a post-conventional thinker;
  2. Seven tips for forging ahead with your own growth; and
  3. Why you get bored with tasks or jobs that used to excite you.


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Mike Morrow-Fox

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Coaching, Developmental Perspectives, Future of Leadership, Innovative Leadership, Leadership Development


leadership maturity, vertical development, horizontal development, leadership development, developmental perspectives