How Missing Ethics Makes a Mess of Organizations

Season 10 Episode 23

Guest: Greg Moran, C-level leadership executive & consultant

The business landscape is littered with fallen firms of questionable ethics. Enron is just one example. But the stumbles of today’s organisations – from Boeing to Columbia University – may be rooted in the lack of a clear ethical framework from the top.

That’s the thesis of guest Greg Moran, who lays out the evidence with host Maureen Metcalf in this episode. It’s not mere philosophical debate; as Enron showed, missing a formal ethical code is a very real existential threat.

Here’s what Greg and Maureen cover:

  1. The distinction you need to know between morality and ethics;
  2. Why it’s concerning that so many college grads haven’t seriously pondered their values as they enter your workforce; and
  3. The critical role ethics play in getting your organization through a crisis.

Other episodes you’ll enjoy:

– Leader Character with Dr. Mary Crossan (this is the episode Maureen referenced at the beginning of today’s show)

– Forming Your Firm’s Ethics with Greg Moran

– Transformational Leadership & Ethics with Ron Riggio


Greg Moran

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Board Leadership, Developmental Perspectives, Future of Leadership, Innovative Leadership, Leadership Development, Leadership Trends and Strategy, Leading with Care, Organizational Transformation, Resilience


corporate leadership, ethics, ethical leadership, business ethics, morals, Enron, Columbia University