The Future Is Yours to Create

Featured Guest: Rebecca Ryan

All of us took history classes, but who’s taken future classes?

Studying the future is a discipline that stretches back decades. Strategic foresight is the established and proven process of looking at future probabilities, yet many business and NPO leaders either don’t know about it, or don’t understand it.  It’s used by Fortune 200 companies, the U.S. military, the World Bank, and others.  As futurist Rebecca Ryan explains to host Maureen Metcalf, strategic foresight helps those organizations decrease risk and maximize opportunity.  That, in turn, provides them with a competitive advantage. So much so that Disney requires learning it before candidates can enter the C-Suite.  Listen to this episode – and get a glimpse of your future!


Rebecca Ryan

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Future of Leadership, Innovative Leadership, Women in Leadership


Futurist, Strategic Foresight, Disney